What to Expect During a Fertility Acupuncture Appointment
It is natural for those seeking fertility treatment or those receiving reproductive treatment to see a stress increase. This constant feeling can lead to worsening symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses.
Fertility acupuncture is one of the best ways for patients to manage their stress levels and open the energy pathways in their bodies. Acupuncture works by opening key points in the body where energy is blocked and allowing that blocked energy to flow freely throughout the body. This can often trigger an emotional response, leading to feelings of extreme relaxation and well-being.
With roots in ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture is used today in many fields of medicine. At the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio, we regularly use acupuncture on our patients to alleviate stress. Our patients come to us because we offer acupuncture as a service.
In this post, we will discuss acupuncture during fertility treatment, including what you should do to prepare for an appointment, what you can expect during your acupuncture appointment and some aftercare tips. Keep reading to learn more!
Acupuncture During Fertility Treatment
Acupuncture during fertility treatment involves fine needles inserted into specific points on the body to promote health and enhance reproductive functions. This ancient Chinese medicine practice is believed to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulate hormones, reduce stress, and increase the chances of conception.
In fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination, acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy. Some studies suggest that it may improve egg quality, stimulate ovarian function, and even enhance embryo implantation rates.
Patients may receive acupuncture sessions before and after fertility treatment procedures, typically focused on reducing anxiety and enhancing relaxation. Many individuals report feeling more balanced and composed during the sometimes stressful fertility journey. While research on its effectiveness varies, many practitioners and patients advocate for acupuncture as a supportive measure to optimize the fertility process. Always consult healthcare professionals to tailor a plan that suits individual needs.
What to Do Before Acupuncture Treatment
Before your acupuncture treatment, it's essential to prepare your body and mind for the session. Start by hydrating—drink plenty of water to ensure you are well-hydrated. This can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.
A couple of hours before your appointment, eat a light meal or snack. Avoid arriving on an empty stomach or feeling overly full, as both can impact your comfort during the session.
It's also crucial to avoid stimulants (including caffeine), or alcohol on the day of your treatment. These substances can interfere with your body’s natural processes and may hinder the session's effectiveness.
Finally, prioritize relaxation. Aim to be calm and collected as you approach your appointment, since acupuncture is most effective when you are in a relaxed state. By following these steps, you'll set yourself up for a positive and beneficial acupuncture experience.
What Happens During Acupuncture
During an acupuncture session, you enter a calm, quiet environment, often enhanced with dim lighting to promote relaxation. The acupuncturist carefully inserts needles into specific points on your body, targeting areas such as the abdomen, legs, arms, back, and ears. For fertility treatments, the focus is generally on points around the lower abdomen, legs, and back.
Once the needles are in place, which typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes, you are encouraged to relax deeply and may even drift off to sleep. Throughout the session, the acupuncturist periodically checks on your comfort level, making any necessary adjustments to the needles to enhance your experience. This tranquil atmosphere combined with the gentle needling aims to harmonize your energy and promote overall well-being.
Aftercare for Acupuncture
After your acupuncture session, it’s important to focus on proper aftercare to maximize benefits and promote healing.
- Stay Hydrated. Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins released during treatment. Herbal teas recommended by your acupuncturist can also support your recovery.
- Avoid Extreme Temperatures. Refrain from hot or cold showers and baths for a few hours post-session. Additionally, avoid using ice packs or heating pads on the areas where needles were inserted to prevent discomfort and ensure optimal healing.
- Gentle Movement. Engage in gentle activities such as walking or yoga. These activities help keep your energy flowing without risking overexertion, allowing your body to integrate the benefits of the treatment.
By following these aftercare guidelines, you can enhance the positive effects of your acupuncture session and promote overall well-being.
Acupuncture for Fertility Treatment at the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio
Acupuncture is one of the best ways to help patients undergoing fertility treatment find substantial relief from stress and anxiety. Acupuncture opens up blocked energy pathways to help support a relaxed body and a calm mind.
Dr. NeeOo Chin at the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and Stanford-trained acupuncturist. He has seen first-hand the power of acupuncture when it comes to managing fertility-related stress, and he wants to help you too.
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