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Everything You Need to Know About INVOcell

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Everything You Need to Know About INVOcell

Feb 7, 2024
Everything You Need to Know About INVOcell

Struggling to conceive can feel debilitating. You desperately want to start your family and bring a child into the world, but when natural methods falter, turning to advanced fertility treatments like IUI and IVF offers the potential of a hopeful alternative. 

However, treatments like IVF fertilization happen outside the body, in a lab. This can pose an ethical issue for mothers and couples trying to conceive, as they may prefer or require the embryo to be carried inside the woman's body, something they cannot do while pursuing IVF.  

INVOcell is an advanced alternative to fertility treatment that uses an intravaginal culture (IVC), meaning the mother-to-be carries the live embryo in her body for the duration of pregnancy. INVOcell creates a unique approach to fertility treatment by keeping the woman at the center of the incubation process. 

INVOcell is an innovative product that uses groundbreaking technology and has similar success rates when compared to IVF treatment. 

In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about INVOcell, including what the INVOcell device looks like, how it is implanted, and who INVOcell is right for. In addition, we will also clear up some common misconceptions about INVOcell and fertility treatment in general. Keep reading to learn more! 

ultrasound appointment

What is INVOcell? 


INVOcell is a new, and highly advanced, product in the world of fertility treatment. It gives women the chance to carry a developing embryo within their body and uses IVC as a means of conception.  

The main difference between IVF treatment and INVOcell is where the fertilization takes place. In IVF, the fertilization and creation of the embryo takes place in a lab, while during INVOcell treatment, incubation takes place inside the woman’s body while the INVOcell device is inserted.   

This revolutionary treatment is ideal for anyone pursuing fertility treatment. In the next section, we will take a look at the INVOcell device, including what it looks like and how it is implanted.  

retention device

What Does INVOCell Look Like and How is it Implanted? 


Now that we have a better understanding of how the INVOcell device uses IVC to facilitate pregnancy within the woman's body, let's take a closer look at what the device looks like.  

The INVOcell system consists of three distinct pieces:  

  • The INVOcell inner chamber culture device

  • The INVOcell outer chamber

  • The INVOcell retention device 

The inner chamber culture device is a small, cylindrical container made of medical-grade materials, designed to hold the sperm and egg during the incubation process. 

The outer chamber protects the inner chamber culture device, creating a closed and secure environment for fertilization to take place. 

The retention device is used to keep the outer device in place during the incubation period, ensuring stability and optimal conditions for embryo development. 

embryo graphic

Implanting the INVOcell device involves a minimally invasive procedure in which the culture device is placed inside the woman's vagina by a reproductive endocrinologist. Below is the four-step implementation process. 

Step one. Sperm and egg are retrieved from the parents or donors. They are placed in the INVOcell device for fertilization.  

Step two. The INVOcell device is placed in the upper vaginal cavity and incubation begins.  

Step three. Once the incubation process is completed, the INVOcell device is removed.  

Step four. One or more viable embryos are selected and transferred to the uterus. Any embryos not used can be frozen.

In the next section, we will discuss how you can determine if INVOcell is right for you.   

Who is INVOcell right for? 


INVOcell is an exciting new fertility treatment option that allows women to grow an embryo inside their body through artificial means. Many women and couples seeking fertility treatment are drawn to INVOcell, and may wonder if it is right for them. 

INVOcell may be an option for individuals or couples who are struggling with infertility and need assisted reproductive technology. It is particularly suited for those who may be looking for a more natural and cost-effective approach to fertility treatment. 

INVOcell may also be a preferable option for individuals or couples who have religious or ethical concerns about traditional in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures, as it allows for fertilization to take place within the woman's body rather than in a laboratory setting. 

Medical complications that can lead individuals to consider INVOcell include tubal factor infertility, endometriosis, male factor infertility, and unexplained infertility. Additionally, women who have had minimal success with traditional IVF or who have a low ovarian reserve may find INVOcell to be a viable alternative. 

In the next section, we will discuss some common misconceptions about INVOcell and clear them up to help you get a better understanding of what INVOcell can and cannot help you accomplish.  

What are Some Misconceptions about INVOcell? 


There are several misconceptions about INVOcell and that are important to address. 

Myth: INVOcell and IVF are the same thing.

Fact: INVOcell is a device that uses intravaginal culture (IVC) as a means to conception. While IVC and IVF are comparable, they are not the same process. IVF is a process in which an embryo is created in a specialty lab and then implanted into the woman's body. During IVC the creation of the embryo takes place inside the woman's body. 


Myth: INVOcell is less effective than other fertility treatments.  

Fact: While success rates vary from person to person, the effectiveness of INVOcell is comparable to IVF methods.  


Myth: INVOcell is a DIY fertility treatment. 

Fact: While INVOcell does have a more patient-centered approach as compared to other fertility treatments, fertilization, and device implantation require the expertise of a fertility specialist.  


Myth: INVOcell guarantees pregnancy.  

Fact: No fertility treatment can guarantee pregnancy, including INVOcell. 


Dr. NeeOo Chin in front of sign

INVOcell Fertility Treatment with the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio 


INVOcell is a revolutionary new technology that uses the latest in fertility treatment to allow for artificial insemination and the development of an embryo inside of a woman's body. At the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio, we are a proud pioneer of this technology and have used it to help many couples conceive.  

There are numerous reasons that a couple may be interested in INVOcell for fertility treatment, ranging from personal preference to religious or ethical needs, and with success rates comparable to IVF, it is easy to see why INVOcell is a popular choice.  

If you are interested in learning more about INVOcell for your fertility treatment, click here to reach out to Dr. NeeOo W. Chin at the Fertility Wellness Institute now!

Satisfied with the difference Dr. NeeOo W. Chin has made in your fertility journey? Leave us a quick five-star review here!   

Follow the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn!   

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